Industrial Consultancy & Sponsored Research (IC&SR) , IIT Madras

A method of computing strains from full-field data

Categories for this Invention

Technology: Computing strains from full-field data;

Industry & Application: LCD/ LED Screen;

Market: The global LED display market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% during 2024-2032.

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Problem Statement

  • Generally, the primary output from several full field deformation measurement techniques is digital image. Further correlation is the displacement vector at a dense grid of points covering the area of interest, wherein one is interested in strains which is computed from spatial derivatives of displacement.
  • However, computed displacement data inherently contain noise & difficult to obtain strains.
  • Hence, there is a need to address the issues.


  • Present invention describes a method to compute strains from full-field data using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of displacement field by choosing only the dominant singular values & their corresponding eigenvectors. (Refer Figures)
  • The PCA is performed by one of two equivalent methods.
  • Demonstrates the accuracy of the present method by applying it to two cases each of homogeneous & inhomogeneous strain fields & show that in all cases.
  • The method comprises a few steps illustrates in the smart chart herein.

Key Features / Value Proposition

Technical Perspective:

  • The claimed method reduces the dimensionality of the displacement data drastically & eliminates a significant portion of the noise.
  • Further, the shapes of the dominant eigenvectors offer physical insight into dominant deformation patterns.
  • The present method yields excellent results even when applying it to two cases each of homogeneous & inhomogeneous strain fields.
  • Facilitates the strain computation more accurate, faster & less memory-intensive.

Industry Perspective:

  • Applicable in the full-field displacement data & facilitates important commercial implications.

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Research Lab


Department of Engineering Design

Intellectual Property

  • IITM IDF Ref. 884

  • IN Patent No: 516322

Technology Readiness Level


Proof of Concept ready, tested in lab.

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