Industrial Consultancy & Sponsored Research (IC&SR) , IIT Madras

Convertible Seat

Categories for this Invention

Technology: Convertible Seat;

Industry & Application: Automative, Assistive Device, Civil Vehicle;

Market: The global Convertible Automotive Seat market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.27% during 2024-2029.

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Problem Statement

  • Conventional motor vehicle seat assemblies provided in modern motor vehicles are primarily designed to provide a support platform that is designed to receive a motor vehicle occupant in a seated or reclined position. However, such vehicle seat assemblies often lack mechanism for entering within & exiting outside the vehicle.
  • This poses a difficulty for disabled & aged persons in boarding & de-boarding of their vehicles, need extra assistance & inconvenient process.
  • Hence, there is a need to address the issues.


  • The present invention describes a molecular imprinted polymer biosensor device for sensitive detection of glucose from sweat present on skin.
  • Said biosensor device comprising a paper substrate, a working electrode, a counter electrode and a reference electrode of carbon formed on the paper substrate, a molecular imprinted polypyrrole polymer sensing portion coated onto the working electrode.
  • Herein the polypyrrole is imprinted for detection of glucose.
  • Further, the device is configured for measurement of glucose concentration using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
  • Further, the present invention is directed to a method for preparing polypyrrole molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) sensor for glucose detection.
  • In this instance, the method discloses a few steps including the coating of the sensing portion.
  • Coating the sensing portion includes dispersing 1mg of synthesized molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) in 1mL water and coating the sensing portion of the working electrode, followed by drying at 60⁰C for 30 minutes.

Key Features / Value Proposition

Technical Perspective:

  • The device is configured to have
  1. a linear detection range between 3nM to 1.8mM,
  2. Sensitivity of 2.41KΩ∕µm-1/mm-2 or higher or a detection limit of 4.8nM or lower.
  • The sensor is stable when stored under indoor storage conditions for 80 days or more.
  • Further present invention discussed about the method for preparing polypyrrole molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) sensor for glucose detection.
  • The method for obtaining the MIP in pellet form comprises repeatedly washing and centrifuging the pellet 3 or more times to remove the template molecule, followed by drying the washed pellet in a hot air oven at 120⁰C for 12 hours.

Industrial Perspective:

  • The claimed device is advantages such as high selectivity, high sensitivity, high signal to noise ratio, & rapid response time.
  • Provides cost-effective compact device.
  • Facilitates Pain free, non-invasive, user friendly, reliable & accurate glucose detecting device.

Questions about this Technology?

Contact For Licensing

Research Lab

Prof. Jayaganthan,

Department of  Engineering Design

Intellectual Property

  • IITM IDF Ref. 2403

  • IN Patent No: 478219

Technology Readiness Level


 Proof of Concept ready, tested in lab.

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