Industrial Consultancy & Sponsored Research (IC&SR) , IIT Madras

Solar parabolic trough collector with integrated torque tube – box support structure

Categories for this Invention

Technology: Solar parabolic trough collector

Industry/Application: Energy, Infrastructure, Clean Energy;

Market: The global parabolic trough concentrated solar market is projected to reach at a CAGR of 2.06% during the period (2024-28).

Problem Statement

  • The problem statement discussed in the present invention is how to develop an improved solar parabolic trough collector system with reduced thickness and reduction of overall module weight including other features.
  • Hence, subject invention addresses the issue efficiently


  • Present patent describes solar parabolic trough collector with modified torque tube box support structure.
  • The collector is having a circular tube, plurality of mirror arms and supported by pylons and hydraulic tracking system characterized in the combination of
  • an internal torque tube means inserted inside the circular tube;
  • An external torque box means surrounding the torque tube means.
  • Facilitates the solar parabolic trough collector with external rhombus truss structure.
  • The torque tube has a trapezoidal section that increases the bending strength which in turn increases the module length, thereby reduces the number of supports and foundation in between each module.
  • The truss structure surrounding the torque tube is arranged symmetrically from both the ends so that the bending and torsional forces acting are in balance.
  • Both the  ends of the torque tube are provided with end plates & these members give connection to the bearing support for attaching pylon.

Key Features / Value Proposition

  • Achieve a solar parabolic trough collector with optimized structural components with reduced number of members resulting in weight reduction.
  • The system consists of an internal torque tube within a circular tube and also an external torque box surrounding the torque tube which ensures high bending capacity and increased torsional rigidity with least material consumption.
  • Facilitates cost-effective & efficient system.

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Contact For Licensing

Research Lab

Prof. Srinivasa Reddy K

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Intellectual Property

  • IITM IDF Ref. 978;

  • Patent No. 343821


Technology Readiness Level


Technology proof of concept stage

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