A Process for Generating Broadband White Light from Polycrystalline Yttrium Iron Garnet and a Product thereof
Technology Category/Market
Technology: Polycrystalline Yttrium iron garnet (YIG);
Industry: Chemical & Optoelectronics, Clean Energy;
Applications: Indoor Lighting, Color Displays, Precision spectroscopy, visible light communication;
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Problem Statement
In the prior art literature discussion, it is found that the global ecosystem is off-putting by aggravating energy-demands and consequently, the scientific and industrial interests have been concentrating at seeking after the energy-efficient light sources.
Further, in spite of intense research in said domain, the polycrystalline inorganic bulk materials that intrinsically emit broadband white-light upon illumination with near-UV sources are very out of ordinary and costlier.
The present patent invention provides solution of above discussed problem by introducing the Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) in efficient manner.
Patent describes a process for synthesizing polycrystalline yttrium iron garnet.
Further said process describes about the generating broadband white light from polycrystalline yttrium iron garnet, wherein the broadband white light excited with 370nm excitation source, shown in figure1
The white light emission is obtained intrinsically from the compound without extrinsic doping of any optically active ion.
Key Features/Value Proposition
Technical Perspective:
Polycrystalline yttrium iron garnet emits near-white light at excitation wavelength ranging from 325 to 390nm, with white-light emission particularly at 370nm.
Industrial Perspective:
The color-tunability from spectrum respective to cyan-white-blue-green-yellow-orange-red is achieved by varying the excitation wavelength from 280 to 600 nm, efficiently, cost-effective manner.