Industrial Consultancy & Sponsored Research (IC&SR) , IIT Madras

System and Method for Encoding and Decoding Ethnic Data Into Genetic Codes

Technology Category/Market

Technology: Data Science & Database System

Industry: Archives, Traditional Knowledge Database,Database management Government & Defense, Banking, Data security, Manufacturing of data storage devices/ memory devices.

Applications: Storage of ethnic data, Securing national level official data such as government and defense data, archaeological data, defense data etc., can also be used to create experience systems of mythology within virtual reality environments generated by the computer system

Market: The global DNA digital data storage market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 64.4% during period from 2022 to 2035.

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Problem Statement

  • According to UNESCO’s World Atlas of Languages, Sanskrit is an endangered language. Thus, ethnic data  such  as  mantras,  slogans, verses  etc  are  at  a  risk  of  being  lost  to  future generations
  • Conventional methods of  preservation  of  ethnic data   include cultural practices such as human memory or manuscripts based instructions in Veda paathashalas and electronic storage in DVDs, hard-drives etc.
  • However, traditional cultural practices have substantially eroded due to foreign invasions and lingering effects of cultural colonialism while conventional electronic storage devices can be hacked and are prone to damage over longer periods of time.
  • There is a need to utilize DNA based encoding and decoding techniques to aid the conversion of ethnic data into genetic code to enable storage of data in a highly encrypted format for longer timespans


  • A newly developed VKRSV encoding module for encoding the ethnic data into a genetic code stores the ethnic data securely for longer time periods
  • The encoded data can be stored as a DNA nucleotide sequence having A, T, G, C format in order to hide data in an original format.
  • the encoded mantra as a DNA nucleotide sequence form (304 bps and 340 bps) is cloned into a pET-28a + plasmid vector of 5.369 4 kbps size
  • The cloned plasmid DNA is transformed into a bacterial system (E.coli) and stored at -80⁰C for long-term storage. This data can be retrieved using the same VKRSV decoding module

Key Features/Value Proposition

  • As one gram of DNA carries 108 TB (TeraBytes) of data, the system can be used to store large amounts of data in a highly secure and compact manner. Whereas, one gram of silicon chip carries only 16 MB of data.
  • The glycerol stocks of bacterial culture containing data can be stored in liquid nitrogen for a thousand years. Whereas conventional storage methods may get corrupted when stored for long periods of time.
  • The processing time for encryption and decryption of data using DNA cryptography is mush faster when compared to conventional cryptography methods.
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Contact for Licensing

Research Lab

Prof. Rama S Verma

Department of Biotechnology,

Prof. Kamakoti V

Department of Computer Science & Engineering,


Intellectual Property

  • IITM IDF Ref. 1718

  • IN 475673 Patent Granted

  • PCT Application No: PCT/IN2019/000025

Technology Readiness Level


Technology demonstrated in relevant environment

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